The Emerald City

this sucks.

Posted in depression,irritation,life by Scaramouche on 16 August, 2007

So, my best friend and ex-boyfriend, Justin, is not allowed to go to my show (I’m the lead in a musical near my hometown). His parents won’t give him a ride, just because we broke up and Paris is far away. Guys, it’s WORTH it! The show is great and I really really miss Justin. 😦

I mentioned his mom read my blog. I’m asking her now, please reconsider. Thursday, Friday, or Saturday of this week, at 8.30 PM in Paris. I’d give you the address here, but… you know. Internet. If by any chance you choose to think about it, I’ll give you the address via Justin. Please, please, please. It would mean so much to me if you guys came to see it.

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